Wandering around Lavarone

11.02.2020 - But we were all trying to forget and what was better than bucolic places, smiling faces and a developing economy? Arriving on the Alpe today, after so many years, I felt the strength of that memory. You can’t help but fall in love with the surroundings: a harmony of slopes and hills that stretches for miles as far as the eye intercepts the Dolomites, the Brenta and the Great Prealpine valleys.

In this case we must thank our GOD, who has given us these beautiful landscapes. The limestone morphology typical of a well-defined period in the history of the earth in these territories, gives us vertical walls on one side and gentle grassy slopes on the other.

The shapes of the landscape are the visiting card of a place: from those you perceive if the environment is suited to your desire.

Today, as a motorcyclist, I can only dream every time I come here, and suffer every time I do it without my bike.

The hamlets that give life to Lavarone carry intriguing names: Stengheli, Gionghi, Slaghenaufiinherited from the German-Cimbrian language.

The road crosses all the inhabited areas without leaving time to realize what is beyond the facade of a hotel.

One day I decided to go further, not to stop “at appearances”. I parked, exchanged a few words and smiled with a hotelier and walked towards the “inside”. It is a customary deviance of our culture to place particular importance on the “facade”. But I had to change my mind: in that maze of narrow streets I found fountains, glyphs, arcades, ancient passages treated like the rooms in your own home.

And then, without knowing anything about the history of this or that house or portico or fountain, I began to collect images attracted simply by shapes, colors, geometries and asymmetries, trying to understand the reserve and jealousy of these inhabitants towards their home.

After all, even the eye wants its part ...

What is not slightly different has an insensitive aspect, it follows that the irregularity, that is the unexpected, the surprise, the amazement are an essential part and the characteristic of beauty.
(Charles Baudelaire)