A little corner of CANADA

15.01.2018 - 1941 & America… a year and a country that exemplified for us the dream. What was happening in that country was a social precept.
Since the end of the war, Jeep® has represented a significant pattern of the new social culture. It became a brand, a noun associated to an experience.
No other name were used to refer to off-road vehicles…unless the word “Jeep®”. Plenty of war and adventure films transmitted the scenes of Jeep® being driven by brave soldier.
When a brand is part of the everyday life, it becomes a model, a culture, an epoch and thus it generates a mythos.
Throughout the years, the Jeep® style has been declined in many ways. It doesn’t only refer to vehicles but it is also associated to the clothing. And now it is a lifestyle.
Jeep® has chosen Alpe Cimbra for the second time as the location that best embodies the Jeep® “mood”. Why? It is simple: the area is uncontaminated and accessible.
The photographer and art director in charged of the shooting has defined Alpe Cimbra as a little corner of Canada. He highlights that the priority for any shooting is the location. However, it is vital to consider other significant aspects that influence the final result. The logistics and the easy access to the shooting sites must be taken into account as the technical equipment is lots and very heavy. Alpe Cimbra… has it all!

The Jeep® man

I’ve always loved my land, the one I live in and the far places. I often dream about these locus where colors are dictated by the rhythm of the seasons. My spirit is there, always… and the spirit cannot be denied. This is the reason why, my look tells about myself every day and in any circumstance. My pragmatic essence can be sensed through my clothes: what I do and how I do it, what I wear and how I’m wearing. I’m a Jeep® man 24 hours and when I can, I go to the places, my own places, where my spirit vibrates. I’m arrived.
I’m here, where nature talks to me in silence. I drive fast along paths, lakes, plains, I’m one thing with my 4X4. I feel so satisfied when I can seek out, create a refuge and protect myself from the natural elements as the primitive human being had always done. And then I sit down on a stone and I feel the energy all around me. As the Native American would say, I’m waiting for my soul.
