20.03.2020 - #Don Tommaso Bottea
This year marks the bicentenary of the birth of Don Tom- maso Bottea (1819-1895), parish priest in Folgaria from 1850 to 1860.
Based on the documents he decided to compile and then send to press in 1860 the “Local news of Folgaria”, the first book dedicated to these areas.
This church man was also an historian, in the book the- re is no division between the historian and the parish priest: Don Bottea takes to heart the events that the country has gone through over the centuries.
Describing the woods, forests, pastures and huts, the buildings organized in small or large farms, Bottea does not fail to refer to the Cimbrian language and tradition of these areas.
Towards the end of his work he comments: “Anyone who carefully considers the town of Folgaria will say that Fol- garia is a rich town and that mountains like this are very few”, certainly this is still current reflections.
#Serge Micheloni - The landscapes of the soul of Serge Micheloni.
Seventy years of painting between Lavarone and Paris to describe the beauty of Alpe Cimbra.
70 works including landscapes and still life, selected betwe- en the almost 900 works that the artist has created during his life. Since the 1940s, every summer, Serge Micheloni returned to his family’s house in Rocchetti, creating what is certainly the most important and organic collection of pain- tings of Folgaria, Lavarone and Luserna.
#Gloria Rech - Gloria defines herself as a girl fascinated by the beauty that surrounds her.
Where this passion is born? Since I was a child I have always liked to draw. I said that when I grew up I would be a painter of animals. One step away from graduation, I began to listen to the voice I had inside. So, one day, I wanted to embellish the rooms of the family hotel, I started to paint on the walls the animals that inhabit the woods. After a while I discovered two artists who painted glaciers and I understood what I wanted to do. I pain- ted glaciers and mountains and, the animals that live there.
What glaciers meant to you? I have always had a certain fascination for the countries of the North. So, after seeing the glaciers of Ditsch and Forman, I thought I could do something to draw attention on something we are losing. A picture is worth a thousand words.
A dream in the drawer? The discovery of painting and the experience in Greenland helped me to understand that if you really want something, you can get where you want.
I realized that if dreams in the drawer stay there, well... you’re not going anywhere. So I decided to fulfil another one. Next year I’ll go to Canada and Alaska. I’ll bring paper, colours and brushes. I want to draw everything I see.