A magic place where sustainability, sharing and wonder play a crucial role

The Lavarone Green Land project was set up to enhance the territory of Alpe Cimbra. The aim is to promote hospitality and development in the area, through activities designed to offer an authentic mountain experience, with projects that illustrate and promote an area where sustainability, sharing and wonder play a crucial role
The Vaia Dragon 
The Vaia Dragon Lavarone Green Land comprises the Dragon Project, derived from an idea of the Mayor Isacco Corradi and the artist Marco Martalar and aimed at building a piece of art designed to ensure the Vaia storm is not forgotten. The message focuses on improving the relationship between man and nature.
Starting from its construction, it is a one-of-a-kind work: while the sculptor usually removes the wood to achieve the final result, here the technique is the exact opposite. Around 2000 pieces of roots of the trees uprooted by the storm were bound together with over 3000 screws, just like in a puzzle.

Height: 6 m
Pieces of roots used: 2000
Screws used: 3000
Location: Fraz. Magrè - Lavarone
The Anima Project aims at setting up a string quartet featuring soundboards and cores in
white fir from the “Avez del Prinzep”, a historical tree of the Lavarone Municipality in the Alpe Cimbra that fell in 2017.
Two violins, a viola and a cello were created to pay tribute to this tree, which was part of the
Lavarone Plateau for years and to which the community wants to give a new life.

The idea came from maestro Giovanni Costantini, a violoncellist and orchestra director, and the construction was entrusted to the Trentino master violin-maker Gianmaria Stelzer, with the technical advice of the forest ranger Damiano Zanocco.
Theme trails
Four themed trails to enjoy independently or following the Giocalibro guides (one for each route), accompanied by Avi the Elf, who will help you discover Lavarone through games and curious anecdotes.
  • Dragon Trail
  • Springs Trail 
  • Breath of Trees Trail
  • A Stroll through the Wood Trail 
Discover all the thematic trails in our area!
For more details