30.11.2018 - The Memory of Giulio

I learned how to ski on the slopes behind my house… it was my favorite afternoon activity after school. Every day with my friends we went out there skiing... the weather didn’t matter, nothing could stop us! We just wanted to ski!

In 1962 I used to ski with boots. Dad knew how much I loved this sport and understood that I needed a proper pair of ski boots. He went to his laboratory and produced me a brain new pair of ski boots. I was over the moon!

Bruno Tanzi, a friend of Silvano Gheser, decided to gift the most promising young man of the Sci Club of Lavarone with a pair of metal skis… I don’t know why but I was the lucky one. I was honored and extremely happy. And then bad luck…Towards the beginning of March we were skiing off-pist and “crac”... disaster. I broke them. There was no money and the Topolino Trophy, an important skiing race for which I was qualified, was close. Fortunately, my brother Roberto bought me a new pair of skis for fifty thousand lire. I put a lot of effort into it... I came 2nd at the Topolino Trophy. This race represented the launch for my career up to the valanga azzurra (meaning in English Blue Avalanche). Gustav Thoeni came first, as always.

Tuesday, 30 January 1968
"Thoeni and Giulio Corradi winners at Oberwiesenthal"

“It was snowing hard but the slalom started anyway. In the first run, I went out.”

“The day after, another race: 1st position: Thoeni and 2nd position: Corradi.
It was ordinary.”

“1974 was definitely the most successful ski season. I competed in the World Cup and in the European Cup, mainly in my specialty: slalom (SL).”

As much as in many other sports, even in the ski field technique and equipment has changed and developed. However, there is somethingabout skiing that hasn’t changed at all: the passion for a sport that from the top of a mountain take us down to the valley at full speed.. all at once with nature and the snow…skiing is a gift that offer us the silence of an enchanted world.

Thanks Giulio Corradi
