Maso Spilzi

Costa, Folgaria (TN)
Halfway between a mansion and a fortified building, Maso Spilzi is a farmstead located in Folgaria, and a peculiar example of eighteenth-century architecture. The buildings of the maso are of different types: the residential area, the old barn with loopholes on the door, the cattlesheds, and the service rooms. They all sit around a courtyard with a curtain wall, where you can still see the patrol walkway. Owned by the Municipality of Folgaria, Maso Spilzi is now experiencing a new renaissance after undergoing a period of renovation: the east wing hosts the Club House of the nearby 18- hole golf course opened in 2014, as well as the Bar Restaurant Maso Spilzi; the west wing, with the old barn, houses temporary art exhibitions, conferences, and concerts, whereas the south entrance gives access to some permanent exhibitions, namely “Vivere e lavorare in montagna – tragan ü arbótan in perk. Ambienti, suggestioni e antichi mestieri dell’Alpe Cimbra” and the exhibit on historical skiing “Vita e racconti del mondo dello sci e della neve”. This side of the farmstead displays the customs and traditions of the Alpe Cimbra, its past and present. The exhibition leads visitors through thematic halls showing the haymaking, the viticulture, the life in the fields, the dairy industry, the mills, the school activities, and the life of the bretelai (suspender manufacturers), of the woodsmen, carpenters, stonecutters, and miners. Many local families taking part in the project gave some of their old objects – almost 800 – in order to grant a future to the collective memory of such activities.

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