It is a peat bog, a wetland, particularly relevant from a scientific point of view. Indeed, it is a rare example of peat deposit located in a karstic area. As a matter of fact, calcareous rocks covered by deposits of moraine form the substrate. Moreover, the hollow of the peat bog is the result of glacial era and the outcome of karstic erosive processes.
The area (1260m a.s.l.) develops in 4 hectares. Several plant species create a rich and varied environment from the botanical point of view, inhabited by different species of animals such as reptiles and amphibians like the water snake, the toad, the red frog and the Alpine newt.
In the middle of wetland there is an area to collect water that varies notably along the year according to the atmosphere conditions.
In the eighteenth-century building Maso Spilzi, it is possible to visit (July and August) a didactic exhibition about the biotopes and the woods organized by “Provincia Autonoma di Trento – Servizio Foreste e Biotopi.”
Around the biotope, it is also possible to find a Nordic Walking tutorial path.
During summer season, professionals of the “Rete Trentina di Educazione Ambientale” (Network of Environmental Education of Trentino) organize guided tours. Dates are usually published in June.
Rete trentina di educazione ambientale - Appa
Laboratorio Territoriale della Vallagarina
Via Dante, 65 – 38068 Rovereto
Tel/Fax +39 0464 425276 – Cell. +39 333 6770557