Parco Fluviale del Torrente Centa


The Centa Stream Park and the educational nature path “A spasso ascoldando l’acqua”

A wonderful walk on the banks of the Centa Stream among ruins, waterfalls and gravel areas along the ancient “del Lanzino” road.

In the Centa Valley, along the road that connects Centa San Nicolò and Caldonazzo, a nature path was realised: it consists in a raw path enriched by some panels describing flora, fauna and history of the area.
Walking in the park lets you get in touch with the history of peoples who once walked along the same trail. The educational path enhanced the local nature beauties and let recover ancient buildings and the rests of mills along the river.

The educational path

The sound of water will lead you, while you walk along its ancient path where ancient stones tell a piece of history, where trees and rocks whisper the lives of the peoples who once walked along the same trail.
he waters of the Centa Stream let the wheels of mills and sawmills rotate, one of the most important sources of income at the time.”

This phrase is printed on a panel at the entrance of the park and it enhances the territory and its history.
A wheel of a mill and the phrase “A spasso ascoltando l’acqua” are the logos of the itinerary.
A series of panels and a small amount of boards, in order not to be too impactful, lie along the banks of the river and carry a lot of information about this place, rich in interesting historical and nature peculiarities.

The ruins of countless mills and buildings lead the visitors back in the time when a lot of people lived and worked in this area.
The panels are light and clear, they report countless nature and historical information, oral testimonies and some extracts from the historical Sat archive of Centa San Nicolò dating back to 1960.
Everything was reworked and put together in order to create a simple but complete route working both for families and students too.

Among ancient ruins and breathtaking waterfalls

Walking through Centa Stream Park, you let yourself be guided by the sound of the water along a path that in the Medieval Age was the one and only connecting road between Trento and Vicenza.
The raw road leads you to the ruins of an ancient water sawmill and the ones of an ancient grinding mill with its wood oven.

The Centa Valley is a very important piece of land for the geological history of the Valsugana: the crystalline basement and the sedimentary rocks of the peaks let you get in touch with the past history, thanks to the countless fossils lying in the valley.

But that’s not all: The park lies in a beautiful uncontaminated nature area, in a valley rich in pure pieces of land, with gravelly shores, and crystal-clear waters.

Walking barefoot in the water

You can enjoy the park not only in an historical point of view but also lying in the sun, playing with your children and have a bath in the stream.
You walk along the path near the the river until the adventure park Acropark, carrying on through a forest of firs.
Being the path quite easy walking, it is possible to walk with a stroller too.
But if you are a brave one, you can take the more adventurous way, walking in the ice-cold waters of the Centa stream.
You can admire extraordinary beauties in the valley of the Centa Stream: its source lies at 1000 m asl near Carbonare, its waters flow nearly 12 km until they flow into the River Brenta, near Levico Terme.
