Alpine Ski

The Folgaria-Lavarone Ski Area is inclusive and on the slopes, the fun is guaranteed for everyone. On the snow of our Alps even people with sensory or motor disabilities can ski in total safety. Is this your first time? Then rely on the professionalism and competence of the ski instructors who will advise and guide you in this fantastic experience. Thanks to the "Dualski" and the "Monoski" skiing will no longer be just a dream but can become reality on Alpe Cimbra. The "Dualski" is a magical tool that allows students with reduced or absent mobility to share exciting moments with their teacher. The "Monoski" is the ideal tool for students with a good residual motor of the upper body, if you want to, once you developed the technique you can continue your adventure on the slopes independently.
Request availability and book your lesson!

Italian Ski School Scie di Passione

Telephone: +39 346 0033926
Address: Via caduti di malga zonta, 10
38064 Loc. Passo Coe - Folgaria (TN)
Availability: Every day from 08:00 to 18:00