
1090 m

In German the term Wirt indicates the innkeeper.
Virti is therefore the Italianization of the same and finds reason in the presence on site, in distant times, of a tavern, located on the ancient road (the Via de l'Ancino) that connected the upper Valsugana to the Astico valley and which here it was scollinava, then cutting the western slope of Mount Rust.

Virti's built-up area boasts the presence of the small church of the Madonna del Rosario in Pompeii, built by the locals in 1909, consecrated in 1910 and in 1987 decorated by the Lavarone painter Marco Bertoldi.

Virti is also linked, nearby, to the presence of the so-called Command, that is, the remains of the tactical headquarters of the sector which played an important role during the Great War (1914-1918).

The ruins are inserted in a deep and suggestive natural ravine that during the conflict hid the place from aerial survey. It can be reached by a comfortable and short dirt road.

The Great War 2 route, the Giro dell’Elbele and the 100 km mtb routes of the Forti (841/842), Carbonare - Monte Rust (830) and Alpe Cimbra Tour (837) pass through Virti.